Family Bonding Ideas

A family that bonds together stays together.  After a days work, it is always sound to unwind, and there is no better way to unwind than to be with your family.  We owe it to ourselves and to our family.


1.  Legoland Windsor



Observing the lego brick animals is a very interesting idea to introduce the topic on animals.  The cleverly put up lego brick animals will surely catch every kid’s attention.  You will not only strengthen your bond as a family, but you also impart important knowledge, that your kids will treasure for life.


2.  Visit Madame Tussauds



Amazing! The kids would definitely love looking at them.  These beautiful artworks would spark endless questions from them.  Why are they not moving? Don’t they get tired standing?  Why are they not breathing? Who made them? Why did they make these? Can I do it too? These are just a few of many questions children would be asking?  This will be a fun and an educational experience for them.


3.  Watch a game unanimously liked by everyone in the family


If everyone agrees to watch football, then so be it.  If your kids are into sport, this is something they would love.


4.  Introduce them to theater and classic music


Modern kids are more adept with hard rock, and R and B music.  But being acquainted with classic music and theater is not bad at all.  Who knows, your children might someday find themselves acting onstage for one of these classics.


5.  Watch a concert



When children see parents being able to go with the latest music and go with  groove, it eases their feelings.  They feel more relaxed and open because it gives this feeling of understanding not only them but also their world.


Do share your ideas on more family bonding activities or destinations.



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