When Summer was two years old everybody thought she was boyish. Her wardrobes consisted of t-shirts, shorts, shoes, and rubber slippers. She did not have a single dress. She did not want to wear any hairclips or do anything with her hair than to wear them loose. Her playmates were boys. She played guns with them. Her first toy was a small basketball. She even has a basketball ring. And whenever we go to the toy store, she was always attracted to robots, guns, and balls. She had stuffed toys like pooh bear, and piglet but she was never attracted to Barbie dolls unlike typical little girls. She likes riding the motorbike with her dad and she likes it even better if they would ride really fast.
Somewhere at two-ish old, she was asked to be one of the flower girls to a friend’s wedding. We were a little bit anxious that she might throw a tantrum because she does not like to wear the dress or she does not like the flower on her head. But, the event went well. She did not complain of any discomfort. In fact, it was like an eye-opener for her I guess. After that she kept bugging me with lipstick, eye colors, and nail colors. Now, whenever we go to the store we always manoeuvre her away from the beauty stalls, or else it is going to be like tug of war. Now she always takes notice of a person’s shoes, dress, make up, and hair. She would tell “Mama, look she has lipstick, I want one…Mama oh the dress is soooo nice. I want to buy one….Mama, her hair is so long and nice. I want long hair too.” So I’m like OMG Summer.
Anyway, my boyish little Summer is so girlie now! She likes to pose for the camera. She definitely knows how to project. She likes long flowing dresses. I told my husband that Summer might fulfill my frustration in modelling. But I will never push that idea into my daughter’s throat. Whatever interest she’s into, I will support her 101 percent. Below are some of Summer’s photo. As parents we may have our own different ways of raising our little ones. Feel free to post your comments, reaction, or maybe even your own way of doing things… Thanks!
dalaga na c ate summer…
yup Er, and she has her own idea of fashion. I’m afraid one day she will be the one to tell me what and what not to wear..OMG!!
kaabtik sa mama magmake-up…this looks like the one I shared sa FB lately from Zalora…I love to try bold eyeshadow:)
Summer is indeed the next TNTM! Carry jud nya ang pose and smize:) Beautiful!
LOL… Thank you for the compliment Gen… actually i am not into make-ups that much… At this age i am still practicing. i was not the make up type when i was younger. hehehe…
OMG! She look so cute and very fashionista :)..
Thank you so much Shy’s Mode for the compliment. ^_^