Empowered Kids: When Kids Decide To Do It Themselves

Kids are very expressive.  They like to imitate adults, and explore on their own.  Whatever creative moments your little ones show could be a window to skills and talents hidden inside that need to be honed.  Let it out, do not suppress it.



This corner showcases all the creative things our little ones do, captured in photos. Be featured here by submitting your kid’s photos at mitchelle.juaban@gmail.com with a short description.




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Sometimes when she’s so caught up in her own magical world, Summer comes up with these creations.




Disclaimer: By submitting your photos to mitchelle.juaban@gmail.com you are affirming you own the copyright to the photo and that you give permission for MitchRyan’s Blog to reuse your image anywhere on the website, including but not limited to the MitchRyan’s Blog, as well as using your image on MitchRyan’s pages on social media sites like Facebook and Pinterest.


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39 thoughts on “Empowered Kids: When Kids Decide To Do It Themselves

  1. This is a great feature, Mitch! My little boy is slowly but surely learning to do things on his own. It’s great watching his try and succeed, even if it’s just with little things like putting own his own socks and fixing his hair.

    1. “Shes’s so game in posing.” is an understatement. Whenever we go to shopping malls and she sees a mannequin, she would strike a pose.^_^

  2. my daughter got tons of princes clothes and all costumes! now we are eye-ing for a frozen costumes around but haven’t seen one she loves posing infront of the camera and singing and baking too

  3. Wahaha I remember also that when we were kids, we used to dress up with any dress or clothes we find at home and pretend to be beauty pageant contestants.

    1. The same here Roch. But I was never encouraged before probably because of various valid reasons that I will never know of. Consequently, I think the lack of encouragement has dampened that artistic, creative side of me. I don’t want that for my kids.

  4. It is great that you are empowering your kids at a young age. it is healthy for them to feel confident and empowered while they are young so that they grow into good adults.

    1. By supporting our kid’s passion, we are building their self confidence. Which in my own thinking will make them better persons in the future.

  5. Adorable little one! My kids tend to get very creative with what is available to them too. I once saw them inside balikbayan boxes. When I asked them what they were doing, my eldest said they were having a fashion show and the boxes are their big gowns.

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