Traveling around the world is always going to be a daunting prospect, but for women, there are additional precautions that should be considered. It is perfectly possible for a woman to travel around the world on her own, but it is important to take your personal safety seriously.
Research Thoroughly
The more you know about the place you’re heading to, the more you will be able to prepare yourself. Research the customs and culture of your destination and make sure that you understand any special requirements regarding dress and conduct. No one likes feeling like their rights are being taken from them, but if you travel and act in defiance of local customs on principle, you are potentially placing yourself in grave danger. No matter how strongly you might feel, the consequences are not worth it for the sake of foregoing local dress codes.
Keep Your Valuables With You While in Transit
Many of us travel with tablets, laptops, and smartphones these days. Thieves know when these items are most vulnerable, particularly during transit. Whenever you are traveling on a plane, a train, or even a bus, especially if you will be sleeping, keep your valuables close by so that they can’t be disturbed without your knowledge.
Only Take What You Need
The lighter you travel, the easier you will travel. Having less stuff make it easier for you to pack up and move if you feel unsafe. If you are bogged down by lots of baggage, you could potentially find yourself in a situation where you have to abandon some of your luggage.
Don’t Be Too Trusting
When traveling, you will naturally want to make friends. We all like having company. Other people will provide you with great comfort on the road, and you will hopefully make lots of new friends. However, you must always be wary. Apply the same caution that you would at home, perhaps even a little more so.
Be Careful With Alcohol
Alcohol is the architect of bad decisions. There’s nothing wrong with going out and having fun, but remember that, in addition to the usual cautions you need to take with alcohol, you will also likely be in unfamiliar territory. This makes you even more vulnerable.
Be Prepared to Spend More
If you are willing to spend a little bit more, you can often secure a little additional safety and security. For example, when it comes to choosing an appropriate means of transport, the cheapest option will be walking, but this is also the most dangerous. On the other hand, driving yourself leaves you in control but will incur the most costs.
Always Have Plans
You should always aim to plan ahead as you travel. This will make it possible for you to check out any areas you are heading to before you reach them. For example, if you are traveling around the US and looking for baseball-related places to visit, can help you learn more about this fun sport, so you can plan some great days out.
Travel is all about having fun and experiencing new things. It is a wonderful experience and something that all of us should do at some point. Traveling safely is easy as long as you prepare beforehand.
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This is such important advice to share with the world! I hope men (and women) continue to educate themselves to travel safely.
That’s right. While traveling is a fun and enjoyable thing, there are risks. So we need to always keep safe. Thanks.
This is great advice. I have also heard that you shouldn’t look down at your phone while you’re walking alone. It makes it easier for someone to grab you.
Well if we are on unfamiliar places, it is better safe than to be sorry. But we shouldn’t be going to unsafe places in the first place ^_^.
Great list! Definitely agree with the keeping valuables with you and doing your research ahead of time!
Yeah. Keep in mind travel advisories.
This is really great advice for women solo travellers. I think don’t be too trusting is a really good tip to take with you.