Often times we hear TV personalities/entrepreneurs say on air “Never give up on your dreams.”. Or business tycoons get quoted as saying “The hardest part in business is starting up.”. but when does one say “Enough is enough?
While it is given that a business venture be it a large scale or a small scale business is a gamble. There are no sure winners or losers in this field. We have seen the worst business proposal go boom and hit big, and we have also seen the most airtight, sure fire, sure hit business proposal tank and sink.
These scenarios create some sort of confusion in the newbie entrepreneur department. So when do we say “Enough is enough.” ?
We are into business ourselves and we have shifted from one business into another. From Amway to Mary Kaye. From buying and selling to selling homemade somethings. LOL! As of the present we are lucky enough to be hooked in by one of my husband’s students in buying and selling Samsung Home Appliance and Home Entertainment Systems. It is not that much but it helps the family budget nonetheless.
The fear of investing hard earned money drives people crazy. Some people become paranoid with just about every petty little problem that comes in the way. Some people start to lose weight due to pressures. Others start to gain weight. Some become grouchy and unapproachable, and there are others who become reclusive. Despite these, it’s time to morph and shed off whatever fear we have if we want to move up the financial ladder.
So, when do you say enough is enough?
push…move forward
Here’s a true story about one of Thailand’s billionaire, who believed and followed his dreams by hook or by crook. I hope you will be inspired by this as I am.
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I agree! Never say never..
I don’t say no to business opportunities and when you have family you won’t stop from giving them good life.
Agree! we are currently in a scenario wherein we invested most of our hard-earned money in a business and cliff hanging whether we’ll make it or not. For now, yes! never give up.
I think some people just don’t know when to stop. For instance, Shell is apparently planning (or are they already in the process of it?) to dig for oil in the Artic waters this year. Come on already. Don’t they have enough oil sites that they have to destroy more of Mother Nature?
Never, sis! Try and try until you succeed nga di ba? 🙂
I believe in trying and giving your best in every situation esp if it’s for your family.
As long as it’s legal and you’re not hurting anyone – go for it! 🙂
This is very timely as I’m looking into starting a new business myself. I hope I don’t have to learn when to say enough is enough!
I’m so glad I read this post today, as I am on the verge of another venture to bring income into my own family. I am always nervous about trying something, but you are right – I can never try enough or do enough and the time to stop is not now! Thanks so much.
Elizabeth Rising Early, 31 Days
If it is for the family, you should push yourself to do and earn better! I had a lot of business myself to support extra things for my kids. Having 4 toddlers is so magastos, kaya nga I sell imported diapers sa tyange plus dishwashing soap, tapos online naman I sell clothes and perfume.