A staycation in the countryside is both fun and refreshing, there are however dangers lurking around the corner that we must be prepared of before going especially if you are tagging your kids along.
Recently we went to this beautiful resort located at the South of Thailand. The resort is devoid of any form of city features except those in the resort itself. It has amenities resorts and hotels in the city have like Wi-Fi, cable TV, and fridge but it is situated out of nowhere. You see nothing but nature around- trees, bushes, birds, flowers, and some others. There are no Seven Eleven’s nearby, not even a gas station, or a local convenience store.
Going to places like this and traveling with kids along, we usually anticipate the things that we might be needing. It is better to be prepared than be sorry as they say. Having this in mind, we have prepared the following for a smooth, worry-free in the countryside.
Things you might want to prepare for a countryside staycation with children with you.
1. Medicine. A child can react differently to a different environment. The air might be fresh and clean, but there are other elements to consider such as pollens and dusts that could trigger asthma. Since my younger son has not gotten rid of his asthma yet, bringing his Babyhaler and Seretide are a must.
2. Cream or ointment for allergies and bites. There is no shortage of mosquitoes. They were everywhere especially at night. They were unbelievably huge and persistent. Fortunately though, the rooms are well sealed. So we still had a good night sleep.
3. Long, cozy pants, and a pair of comfortable walking shoes. These are needed especially if you want to take a walk and enjoy nature or you might want to take photos around just like the photo below. Crawling creatures are plenty. And there are loads of fallen sharp twigs, leaves, and oh poison ivies. I checked out poison ivy treatment at buyrhustox.com before coming, but gladly there were no poison ivies in the place.
4. Long, sturdy sticks. Before setting out for an adventure, bring any long sturdy sticks. If there are bushes, chances are there might be snakes.
5. Other miscellaneous nitty-gritties like hats, backpack full of extra shirts, snacks, and a bottle of water.
These are some of the things that we prepare before setting forth. Although needs may vary from place to place or from family to family, but hopefully these list here will help you in any way in your on travel.
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