Empowered Kids Corner: Following Dad’s Footsteps

Great things start from small beginnings.

Most often than not success whatever its magnitude is, always begin with a small step forward.  This tiny effort may seem insignificant, easy but it actually makes a whole lot of difference; and could be difficult and a scary thing to do. It takes courage, support from loved ones, and a bit of “You’re dong great!”,”Keep up the good job!” here and there.

Summer showed a flair for photography early on.  Whether it is a prognostic sign of the future or just a momentary hobby she finds interesting, my husband and I see to it that she is encouraged and given every opportunity. She enjoys tagging along with her Dad’s photography group SOMCHAI Studios .


Her photos started from these….


to these…


Kids usually obey and take heed of advises from people they trust.  Fear and doubt hinder this.  That is why parents and teachers play a crucial role. If we could only create an environment of acceptance, encouragement, and trust for all children, then, they would surely reach great things.

What do you think of Summer’s photos?

What small beginnings have your children started?

This corner showcases all the creative things our little ones do, captured in photos. Be featured here by submitting your kid’s photos at mitchelle.juaban@gmail.com with a description. 
Disclaimer: By submitting your photos to mitchelle.juaban@gmail.com you are affirming you own the copyright to the photo and that you give permission for MitchRyan’s Blog to reuse your image anywhere on the website, including but not limited to the MitchRyan’s Blog, as well as using your image on MitchRyan’s pages on social media sites like Facebook and Pinterest. 

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