This particular night we went out to Songkhla’s Night Market, NARIT’s (National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand) powerful telescopes are out for the public to use. The children were thrilled and were amazed by how big and near the moon looked in the telescope. After this, we endulged ourselves to wide variety of yummylicious food.
As we were roaming the colorful night market, we happened to see this grandpa pulls something sticky and stretchy from an elongated pouch. I have to admit it was intriguing in fact we stopped by and watched, together with many others who can’t help it as well. To our surprise, this grandpa is selling what seems like a candy my husband and I know from our childhood days in the Philippines, the TIRA-TIRA!
The only difference is that this one is a bit on the softer and chewy side. The TIRA-TIRA we had before were tough and sticky on the teeth, you would have to chew on it so hard it would feel like your teeth would chip off.
We tried it, and indeed it is TIRA-TIRA, Thai version.
I’ll Return Back Your LOVE
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