Two girls playing chairball

Chairball a Popular Game in Thailand

For someone who’s into basketball and maybe a bit of football, chairball sounds, well, odd and different. It’s different from chairbasketball and certainly not Tchoukball. Chairball is a popular game in Thailand.

It is definitely a big thing here. The first time I heard of it, was during a sports week. Fellow teachers who were in their 50’s were playing and they were good at it. It was a bit strange to watch because they were passing the ball without dribbling it. I didn’t understand how it was played and I was totally uninterested.

Recently, my daughter got into this sport and join her team for their school’s sports week. Although she’s been training for basketball, she apparently was able to adapt to chairball. This time, the sport got my attention. Unfortunately there is not much information (in English) about this game in the internet.

Here’s a short video clip of a chairball match played by primary students in Thailand.

What do you think of the game?

For now having watched the game there are few things I’ve learnt about Chairball.

  1. It is definitely a team game. So the one-man show in basketball is a no-no in this game.
  2. The ball is passed from one player to another without dribbling.
  3. Once a player has received the ball s/he has to pass it without moving her/his legs from where she’s/he’s standing.
  4. The player standing on the chair holding the basket is allowed to catch the ball. In other words, the player could bend forward, sideward, backward, and could tilt the basket towards the incoming ball, as long as s/he stays planted on the chair.
  5. The team that earns more points in a given period of time wins the game.
  6. For every ball that gets into the basket earns the team two points.

Have you heard of chairball game before? Have you played it?

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kids doing coke mentos experiment

Which is More Explosive?! Coke vs Mentos or Coke vs Baking Soda

The Coke and Mentos experiment has gained so much popularity in Youtube. And for sure every science teacher has utilized this in their activity or lab. Also every kid in town wants to try their hands on this. However you aside from Mentos there’s another agent that could be as powerful as mentos, that is baking soda. In this short video below will give you a definitive answer to this question. Which is More Explosive?! Coke vs Mentos or Coke vs Baking Soda

I will try to explain the science behind coke and mentos as simply as I can. Ok here it is.

  1. Normally, sodas like coke are carbonated which means they contain carbon dioxide – the fizz.
  2. These gases are squeezed in the bottle and are looking for places to attach to, and this is when they start forming bubbles. That is why, the minute it is opened they fizz out.
  3. In this case, dropping mentos into a soda provides “a lot of places” for these gases to attach to.
  4. So instead of getting defused unto the air, when you open it. The gases instead attach themselves into the surface of the mentos.
  5. They then form bubbles. Just imagine the amount of bubbles they produce, too much for the bottle to handle. And so they all burst out in a powerful explosion.
two kids amazed by coke vs mentos or coke vs baking soda experiment

From this explanation, we can see that soda and mentos explosive geyser is more of a physical reaction than a chemical one. So the more mentos dropped, the more surface area they provide for the carbon dioxide to attach to, then, the more explosive the geyser is.

What about baking soda? Which is More Explosive?! Coke vs Mentos or Coke vs Baking Soda

If a cup of baking soda is dropped into a bottle of coke, I mean, it should be insane. Baking soda must contain thousands and thousands of particles providing enormous surface area for carbon dioxide to form bubbles with. Right?

Have you watched the video? If you haven’t, please watched it now to see which gives a better result: mentos or baking soda. Have fun!!

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