Fine Dining Northern Thailand Style

I got the chance to experience fine dining Northern Thailand style at Chiangrai.  It is quite different from the kind of fine dining I know.  While western style is somewhat impersonal as tables are well spaced away from each other for privacy reasons, this style on the other hand I guess has a very personal touch.  Diners are seated side by side along very long tables which are arranged in rows occupying most of the space in the restaurant with either normal four-legged chairs or long planks where diners sit Japanese style.

Food is served like this which is good for four people.

While dining,  different folk dances are performed to keep diners entertained.

Have you got a similar dining experience?

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A Month for Dads

December is finally here. On the 5th is the  88th birthday celebration of Thailand’s beloved King, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.  In this light, there are three big and exciting things lined up in this part of the world.

Father’s Day is celebrated on the King’s birthday and participated by locals and foreigners alike.  In schools, children give their fathers a “Wai” to show their love and respect.



Bike for Dad is a nationwide event which will be held on the 11th December 2015 from 3.00 p.m. onward. Unsurprisingly, Bike for dad shirts have been on display in stores as early as November. This is the second time Thailand is holding this kind of event.  Back in August, Thailand hosts Bike for Mom to celebrate the Queen’s birthday, Her Majesty Queen Sirikit; and to pay respect to all moms.


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Krathong Making

Loy Krathong is a Thai celebration that happens in the month of November, wherein Thais float their krathongs in any body of water or fly Chinese lanterns in the air on the night of the festivity. However, prior to this, in schools, students make their own krathongs and sometimes join a krathong making contest.

Here are the materials needed in making a krathong.

  • Banana trunk
  • Leaves
  • Pins
  • Flowers


  1. Cut banana trunk into 2 to 3 inches chunks.

    chunk of banana trunk wrapped in leaves
  2. Wrap it with leaves. It could be banana or some other kind will do. You may also fold strips of banana leaves into triangular shapes resembling a lotus to cover the chunk of banana trunk with.
  3. Use pins to secure the decoration into the banana trunk base.
  4. Decorate it with different kinds of flowers.
  5. Finally, stick in a candle and incense sticks.


Thai people add in the krathong lock of their hair and pieces of trimmed nails.  This is to symbolize that they are want to drive off misfortune and bad things in the past.


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Krathong Making Contest

Loy Krathong is celebrated on the month of November.  The word “loy” means to float in English.  Krathong, on the other hand, does not have an exact English equivalent as far as I know.  If you have any idea please let us know in the comment section below.  It is somewhat like a floral “float” made from either banana trunk or bread, with a candle and incense sticks. They then float this on a river, lake, or pond.

Some schools run a contest to make krathong making even more exciting and memorable.  In the university I work with, students majoring in English were responsible in running the entire program, which started with a brief history of the celebration; followed by the krathong making; and finally the contest.  Students and staff were welcomed to participate.  Everyone gathered in the faculty hall, took the materials, and made their krathong for an hour.


Here are this year’s beautiful krathongs (2015)

Happy Loy Krathong!

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