Modernization is just another jungle closing in. – Evelyn Waughn
Whether we like it or not, this jungle called modernization is unavoidable. Its influence on our children is unfathomable. A family may prohibit or delay the use of internet at home, but let’s face it, everywhere else it is accessible. Unless we want to seclude our family into the most isolated corner of the world, which is quite impossible, we have to deal with the dangers head on and face the responsibility affiliated with being parents in this era. One of the significant features of this era is the cyber world.
Cyber bullying is right up there together with other pressing problems. It has evolved along with technology. Bullies going to Facebook walls calling people names and or posting humiliating photos and the likes. A long time ago bullying was a huge school problem, well it is still now, only colossal in magnitude. In our age of electronic gadgetries bullying has transcended into the cyber world. It has become more of a difficult job of looking after our kids compared to just visiting them at school or keeping watch over them in the school playground or yard.
Let us protect our children from this with familoop safeguard.
Now, with the advent of I-pads and i-phones and androids and all of these modern gadgets our kids bring, it is just impossible to be keeping track of who they are talking to or who they meet and what they are watching. It definitely is a whole new level. While this modernization has tons of positive attributes it also comes with it a huge responsibility for us parents to be looking after our kids as there are dangers that lurk with every website that they click to. Children as early as two years old or even younger already know how to use a cellphone, an Ipad, or a tablet. The ubiquiousity of these seem to permit an earlier cognitive, psychomotor, and affective consciousness in children. Familoop parental control helps parents monitor and control children’s activities online.
Pornography, perhaps, is the most common problem that we parents want to steer our kids away from. Pedophilia is not that far behind. Pedophiles have found their perfect instrument by browsing and surfing the internet looking at children photos all they want. Sexting is also a thing with phones nowadays where they send salacious messages be it through text or photos over the internet. Online safety for kids is of utmost importance to protect children and youth from these monstrosities.
What online precautionary measures do you have at home?
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