Back in the day, say 15 to 20 years ago, mad science came out; and it rocked the kids science world. At that time, the coke and mentos experiment wasn’t just incredibly fascinating and entertaining, it also seemed difficult and restrictive. There was an impression that it should be done in the laboratory only, with strict supervision of an adult. Well, this was the impression I got. Now with the internet, many have popularized it with different variations that even young children could do it on their own. At present, any one could do it anywhere, anytime. Below are five fun ways to use the coke and mentos experiment in.

Here are Five Fun Ways to Use the Coke and Mentos Experiment In.
- Kids crazy science experiment. In school, students are asked to conduct experiments whether be a class activity, a big science project, or for a science show, knowing which is more explosive coke vs mentos or coke vs baking soda could be an incredibly educational and entertaining experiment. It doesn’t use toxic chemicals. There are only two simple and easy steps to follow. Little ones would surely be able to follow and even experiment on their own.
- Kids party. A mad science theme party is unconventional but it doesn’t mean that it couldn’t be done. Parties are all about fun. What could be more fun than to let kids have fun blasting off sodas with mentos and baking soda in the backyard, the messier the better. Yeah right Mommies? Lol. I could already picture it out in my head. Four to five fun science activities, one of which is the fun coke and mentos experiment, kids hopping from one experiment to the other.
- Family bonding moments. Derick and Summer took an active part in planning the kids experiment coke, pepsi, est, big cola vs. mentos and baking soda challenge from purchasing of materials down to cleaning the place afterwards. Changes were made from the initial plan to give way for their suggestions. They wanted a spontaneous, free-flowing sort of way in conducting the challenge. And so they took care of the video introduction. They also decided on the whats and the hows. It was a learning experience for all of us. We, as parents learnt to let go, and trust their capabilities.
- Kids outdoor activity. With the kind of pull screens have on our children, parents need an activity that is so fun and interesting, children couldn’t say no. And this experiment could definitely tickle their fancy.
- Great for slow-motion videos. And as you can see we have a family Youtube channel. Doing the soda and mentos experiment was like shooting two birds with one stone. It gave us time together; we had a blast. Derick and Summer loved and enjoyed it. As a Youtube content, we hope to inspire families out there to do the same. And with the present technology, we were able to render it in slow-motion, making it even more interesting.
Here’s a short video of the coke and mentos slow-motion. Have fun watching!
So these are the five fun ways to use the coke and mentos experiment in. Do you agree with the list? Is it something you’d fancy doing one precious weekend?
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