A Submarine in the Newest and Biggest Aquarium in Thailand

Aquaria Phuket, Thailand’s newest and biggest aquarium opened in Phuket Island just last month (August, 2019). It’s located at Central Phuket Floresta shopping mall. This state of the art aquarium surprisingly incorporated a submarine wreckage from World War II called the USS Lagarto. A Submarine in the Newest and Biggest Aquarium in Thailand? How cool is that!

Watch this short video to see the USS Lagarto inside Aquaria Phuket. Enjoy!

USS Lagarto (SS-371), a Balao-class submarine, was a US Navy submarine named after a lizardfish. Its wreck found in 2005 was missing a starboard torpedo, suggesting it went down fighting.

A Submarine in the Newest and Biggest Aquarium in Thailand

I must say, the USS Lagarto definitely adds drama in that aquarium. Watching fishes swim around it coupled with the ambient sound of a submarine certainly gives an eerie feel. The concept is new (well at least on this part of the world). It is interesting. And it’s something educational. A great springboard to discuss a piece of history to children.

Kids and adults alike were awed by the huge structure inside the aquarium. It is something to marvel at.

What we really appreciate!

  1. Submarine wreckage. For us this is the main attraction of Aquaria Phuket. Whoever thought of this must be a genius. We love the idea. It’s refreshing, certainly different from the other aquariums we’ve gone to.
  2. Great Edu-tainment. Coming to any aquarium for that matter is certainly educational. But having this piece of history right in front of your eyes, gets into your emotions. And it actually gets you thinking of its history. Kids would start asking the whats, whys, and the hows.
  3. Basic information. Around the area are basic information about the displays and the sea animals in the tank. Plus additional information about the environment.

What’s more?

Aquaria Phuket also houses the biggest underwater restaurant in Asia, the Andasi Lounge and Restaurant. It is located right in front of the biggest tank, so you’d have a great view of the aquarium while enjoying a meal or snack.

people sitting outside an underwater restaurant in front a tank with A Submarine in the Newest and Biggest Aquarium in Thailand
ANDASI Lounge and Restaurant

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World Book Day 2015

World Book Day

I remember an incident when I was young, my father and an American traveler were exchanging facts about the countries in Asia.  They, particularly had a long discussion about Singapore.  After awhile the American traveler asked my father about other places he has gone to.  My Dad said he has never been to any places outside the Philippines. The foreigner was like “damn, you talked as if you’ve gone to those places!”  Then he answered, “I read them from Reader’s Digest!

Today’s World Book Day, if you haven’t read a book in your life, it’s not too late.  Now is definitely a good start.


What kind of book do you like reading?


Disclaimer:  I am not compensated in any form by the links  mentioned above.

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Our Family’s Precious Weekend 3

This weekend we did not really have any itinerary in mind.  What we did was our usual addiction..just drive around.  It is our most expensive vice so far.  Anyway, while driving going to Songkla, we happened to pass by this bunch of people who were flying something which looked like kites from afar, but are actually RC helicopter/airplane.

Summer was right away captivated by the sight of these big-sized RC (Remote Controlled) helicopter and airplanes.  She shouted in a dreamily fashion “oh I want to buy an airplane!”.  She was so curious.  Her questions were non-stop.

* Why is it big?

* Why does it have like this?  (imitating the motion of the propeller)

* Why did he do that?

* What did he put inside? (The RC airplane used real gasoline.)

* Can I touch it? Why not?

Oh my kids…

It was indeed a spectacle to watch.  If I was given the chance to play those big RC toys, I would gladly do so.  But we were mere spectators at that time; and I would not trust myself because it is not as easy as it looks.

Check our video




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Car Wash Girl

When Summer was young, my husband was wondering when  she’s  going to help him wash the car.  He wanted it to be like a family event.  It is not an easy task.  It is tedious. So the more helping hands the better.  It is also a good venue to bond together as a family and teach my daughter the value of cleanliness.  More importantly, teach her how to save money.  Here, a good car wash is really expensive.  It ranges from 350 to 1,500 baht depending on whatever premiums you want to get.  Even if we have it washed for only twice a week, that is already 600 to 3,000 baht off the budget.  We would rather use it to buy food and/or spend it on gas, and drive around, which we LOVE to do.

So instead of going to the car wash, here is Summer, helping her Papa wash the car.  She loves it.  Her task is to wash the soap off by spraying water.  She likes it.  She likes even more when she gets soaked.  I don’t know the explanation behind kids liking to get soaked.  When I was young I do my own laundry, I like it when my entire arms are soaked in soap and water (we did not have a washing machine then).

For me kids, even at an early age, should be given responsibilities.  Ones that they are capable of doing of course.  Otherwise, instead of inculcating the value of  being responsible she will grow up just the opposite because she can not do the task and ends up frustrated. This way she will feel good about herself for accomplishing something.  This will be able to practice her ability to make decisions. This will also develop her psychomotor skills.

Generally, this is a very good learning experience for Summer.

Can you  suggest of other responsibilities kids like Summer can handle?  Just leave your ideas below.

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Summer is kinaesthetic

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Summer is kinaesthetic

Summer is a kinaesthetic learner.  This kind of learner understands concepts by doing.  They are able to follow instructions properly through demonstration and actual hands-on.  It is very difficult for them to assimilate informations by just listening. As a result, their attention span is short. They get bored immediately, and are always in the move to do this and that.

As early as five months, Summer held her milk bottle on her own. She used a spoon when eating baby food, without the awkwardness of a first timer.  At the age of one, she could insert the car key into the key hole without any problem.  Shortly after that she could turn on the motorbike on her own.  She takes photos of us and things around the house using our Olympus SW 790 camera.

Now, she is three and already goes to school.  She likes to write and color.  So I thought buying her some paints and drawing papers would be a wonderful idea.  Indeed, it was.  She loves it.  She likes mixing the colors, cleaning the brushes, and does not mind having paints on her skin.

I am just thinking that maybe when Benjamin Franklin made this quote “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”, he had the kinaesthetic learners in mind.

Is your kid kinaesthetic like Summer? What are the activities he/she likes doing? Do share…

Here are pictures of Summer painting.



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