Coffee or Tea?

When you are entertaining the choice of regular and decaffeinated coffee and tea can be a real hassle – it’s almost impossible to know who will want to drink what and how much you should make. Usually you end up tossing at least a half a pot of coffee if not more because someone only wanted a half a cup. With an on demand coffee maker you can eliminate waste and satisfy guests with the touch of a button; on demand brewers use tea and coffee K-Cup® or similar pods to make each drink a unique experience and there is no waste because you brew hot beverages by the cup instead of by the pot.

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K-Cup® Iced Coffee or Tea for Keurig® Brewers –


The machines resemble conventional electric drip coffee makers and take up about the same amount of counter space but they operate in a very different fashion. There is a reservoir which can hold anywhere from 6 to twelve cups of good quality tap, filtered or bottled water and there needs to be a handy electrical outlet. There is no coffee pot because the drinks brew directly into a cup, glass or mug so they are always fresh, hot and flavorful.

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Keurig K-Cup 30 Coffee pod Holder Carousel Tower

There is also no need to scoop and measure coffee or deal with messy coffee grounds and flimsy coffee filters because the machines use single portion coffee and tea pods. To make coffee you insert a pod into the Keurig® or similar K-Cup® holder, put a cup under the brewing port and press a button – in less than one minute the machine opens the pod, issues the correct amount of water at the ideal temperature and brews a custom hot drink that is ready to savor and enjoy.