Gratify your sweet tooth with this easy to make Jelly with a twist.
A fellow expat introduced this to me. I loved it immediately. It is not the usual jelly that we buy from the grocery. It looks like maja-blangka, but it tastes like ice cream at the same time. I have attempted to bake, cook, or make sweets before. I failed most of the time. But this one, I nailed it! That’s according to my husband and he is super blatant about what he thinks of things. So I was so happy. I want to share this with you. I used Mr. Gulaman, which my sistah has sent via EMS.
Jelly with a twist
1 sachet of Mr.Gulaman (any flavor will do)
6 cups of coconut milk
2 cans of condensed milk
1. Put 6 cups of coconut milk in a pot. Bring it to a boil in a low fire. Stirring constantly.
2. Add in the condensed milk. Heat the solution for another minute.
3. Gradually pour in Mr. Gulaman. Continue to heat it until the solution has already thickened.
Nota Bene:
Make sure that you are using low fire all through out. Constant stirring is essential to make sure that Mr. Gulaman is totally dissolved, and to make sure that the solution at the bottom part of the pot will not get burned. Do not use the ready-packed coco milk from the grocery as they have preservatives although their ads say otherwise. Go green! Help coconut farmers. Buy grated, freshly squeezed coconut milk.
Treat your loved ones with this. And let me know what you think about the recipe.
I’ll Return Back Your LOVE
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