You can Walk Off Your Plantar Fasciitis

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Conventional wisdom says rest it. If your heel hurts first thing in the morning when you get out of bed or after sitting down for a while, you may have plantar fasciitis. This is a condition related to arthritis which affects the thick bundle of tissue between your heels and your toes. If you have it you may feel a stabbing pain, but if you walk for a bit, it will ease up and calm down.

Should you walk with plantar fasciitis?
Yes, you can walk with this problem, however, you need to know what to do in order to minimize the pain and make sure you do not over do it. For example, you should:

Walk less when pain flares up
Walk slower
Use ice packs or cold bottles to reduce the inflammation
Wrap your feet with tape

These are just some of the suggestions for ensuring you can keep walking effectively with plantar fasciitis. It does not have to be an ailment which prevents you from walking – even long distances and when hiking. However, precautions and treatments are required. To find out more about plantar fasciitis and what to do with it, check out my guide which answers the question – is walking good for plantar fasciitis?

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Health Is Wealth

Health is wealth.  Taking care of your health should not be expensive with healthkart coupons.  Lately, my husband experienced so much discomfort with his right knee.  Walking, stretching, and bending is painful  and impossible at times.  The doctor said it has something to do with osteoarthritis. The most common knee problem for very active people and or people over 50. Though arthritis having  no known cure and my husband still very far away from the age of 50 his doctor has advised him to have a different exercise set and some knee support. He was also advised to even out height to weight ratio.


Other important changes he has to take include the following

  • Cut the meat intake and eat a balanced diet and even out height to weight ratio
  • He is prohibited from eating nuts and legumes.
  • He has to reduce the number of times he plays basketball.
  • Use a different form of exercise
  • Taking supplementary vitamins good for general health
  • He has to wear a knee support for the time being to ease the discomfort.


knee pad


Getting sick could mean a great strain in the family’s finances.  Prevention is definitely better than cure.   Although some supplementary health vitamins and medical supports and equipment are expensive if you buy straight up from the store you could use coupon codes.  Coupon codes will give you a chance to avail for big discounts, freebies, and special offers.  Before you buy any health products and equipment, check out coupon codes first.


Do share your health regimen.




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A Tribute to My Mama

The word SEPSIS was just another medical term I heard from a nurse friend.  She said that it’s VERY DANGEROUS AND CAN BE VERY FATAL.  It was just another term, we heard from other people telling their tales of a friend, a relative etc etc… but not until recently.  One December weekend, the weekend before the term 1 final exam, before the term break, before the Christmas parties, I received an email from my sister saying Mom is in the hospital, blood pressure was very low. A day after, yet another email, Mom vomitted blood.  A day after, Mom is now in Intensive Care Unit (ICU), creatinine is very high.  A day after, Mom is in septic shock.  Mama hung on for another 2 days, and let go 3 hours after my daughter and I arrived at the hospital.  Goodness.  With a blink of an eye, mama was gone.  That fast!  Until now, there are moments when I found myself in disbelief.

So, what in the world is SEPSIS?

Sepsis is a very serious medical condition where the body reacts severely to bacterial, fungal, or viral infection.  This infection may start in the bloodstream, bone, kidney, lining of the brains, gall bladder, skin, lungs, or liver. Sepsis does not arise on its own. It stems from other medical condition such urinary tract infection, bacterial pnuemonia, appendicitis and invasive medical procedures, insertion of catheter, surgery, and bedsores.

Fast breathing and change in mental status that ranges from mild to severe can be the earliest signs of sepsis.  This is due to a very low blood pressure, which results from series of reactions the moment the infection sets in.  With this, the body is deprived of oxygen and nutrients, resulting in failure of major organs like the brain, lungs, kidney, and liver. Other general symptoms are chills, hypothermia or fever, delirium and light-headedness.

This illness is really scary.  It would help so much to be vigilant with our health and most especially vigilant with hospital practices.  It is difficult to prove, but I have this gut feeling that a lot of our medical practitioners are not following strict protocols.  My mother got sepsis barely a month after she had RASPA.  I also found out that she had untreated UTI.  This has really bothered me up until now.  Did the hospital know about my Mom’s UTI? If so, shouldn’t they treat it first before doing any medical procedure? One internet source said UTI should be treated first.  If not, isn’t urinalysis one of the tests they should run before clearing any patient for medical procedure? My sisters and I are planning of taking hold of my Mom’s medical records.  I hope it will answer my questions.  I pray that the hospital did not make any mistake!

I would appreciate any ideas you have with regard to the questions I have above.