While babies bring tremendous joy to mom and dad, having them especially to first time parents could mean sleepless nights too. For most parents, babies’ cry is just simply a cry. To us, this cry could mean just about anything and it is up to us to guess what they are crying about.
My husband and I were no different from the rest of parents out there. We were exhausted, and just did not know what our then new born daughter needed. And since we did not know anything about baby language, we were just guessing what could be wrong with her. Sometimes we got it right, but oftentimes the crying went on, and on and on. Thus the long hours of incessant crying.
However just before I had my second child, I came across a video about baby language. Here, it was explained that a baby’s cry is actually a form of language to communicate with their parents. I studied these sounds, applied it to my then new born son, and it definitely worked.
Being able to understand their cry is amazing! I thought it would have been a treat if I had known of this when my daughter came. I could have spared her, my husband, and myself from sleepless nights.
So for first time parents, and moms and dads to be, study these five baby language.
- “Neh” means hungry
- “Owh” means sleepy
- “Heh” means discomfort. This could translate to, I just peed. I pooped. I don’t like my position. I’m hot. I’m cold.
- “Eair” means lower gas.
- “Eh” means burp
Thanks to Priscilla Dunstan
Priscilla Dunstan is the lady behind baby language. And she is the woman, parents across the world have to thank for. These five baby sounds are universal. This language holds true to all babies the world over regardless of race and nationality. It is important to familiarize these sounds for you to decipher them. So take a look at this video and learn the sounds.
Listen to these 5 Baby Language
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