Complaining, Apologizing, Clarifying, and Thanking

Here, you will learn about making a complaint, apologizing, clarifying, and thanking in English.

Speaking Practice 1 with AI

Audio Script

3BB customer service:   Hello 3BB internet customer service. How may I be of help.

Customer:           _______________________________________________

3BB customer service:  Sorry to hear that. What is the problem?

Customer:           _______________________________________________

3BB customer service: For a moment. I need to check if there’s a reported issue in your area. I need your client number. Do you have it?

Customer:          _______________________________________________

3BB customer service:   Thank you. The system does not show any maintenance in your area.

Customer:           ______________________________________________

3BB customer service:   I can’t tell from here. A technician has to come to your house and take a look.

Customer:           _____________________________________________

3BB customer service:  They can be there between 8AM and 12PM tomorrow. Will someone be home at that time?

Customer:           _____________________________________________

3BB customer service:   Okay. Our technician will be at your house sometime between 8AM and 12PM tomorrow. Is there anything else?

Customer:           _____________________________________________


4 structures of english conversation

4 Structures of English Conversation: Getting to Know You

Scroll through this presentation on the 4 structures of English conversation. Learn what the 4 structures are and then create your own conversation.

DO THIS… unit 2

4 Structures of English Conversation


4 Structures of English Conversation: Getting to Know You

Download this conversation template


understanding questions english conversation

Understanding Questions


           A question is a sentence that asks for information. There are several kinds of questions in English. Being aware of the different types of questions can help you know what kinds of information people are asking for and how to response. Understanding questions and being able to form questions are necessary for successful conversation.

Yes/No Questions

We ask this type of question when the expected answer is either yes or no. Yes/No Questions begin with auxiliary verbs and the verb be, for example are, is, do, does, did, was, were, have, will, would, can, and should.

Are you from around here?Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Did she grow up in Malaysia?Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
Can they sing and dance?Yes, they can. / No, they can’t.
Is this bus going downtown?Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Should we buy our tickets online?Yes, we should. / No, we shouldn’t.


DOES and DID take the simple form of the verb


Convert the following statements into questions.

1.They are learning English.Are they learning English?
2. It is raining.
3. She is French.
4. He has finished his his report.
5. She was born in 1997.
6. They were at home yesterday.
7. Sam can cook dinner for us.
8. She will buy a new car.
9. She should wear a uniform.
10. They have visited Singapore.
11. The children would like to play.
12. He could visit her in the evening.
13. I do like swimming.
14. Pam does not like her boss.
15. The computers did not work.
16. You like music.
17. We traveled together.
18. He worked hard.
19. She lives in New York.
20. They stayed for 2 hours.

QUIZ 1: Understanding Questions

Group 6

Group 7

Group 8

Group 9

Group 10

Group 11

Wh- Questions

We use Wh– questions to ask for specific information, such as a person’s name, a price, where to meet someone, or the time an event starts or ends. Wh– questions begin with words such as what, when, who, where, why, which, whose, how, how many, how much, how long, and how often.

1. What’s your name?It’s Roger Maxwell.
2. When was she born?She was born on March 16, 1997.
3. How long have they lived there?They lived there for about six years.
4. Why didn’t you call me?Sorry, I lost my phone.
5. Who is your English teacher?Mr. Summers is my English teacher.


Match the questions with their corresponding answers.

Column AColumn B
1. What do you do?a. fifty dollars
2. Who did you go out with last night?b. thirty-five
3. Where do you live?c. fine, and you?
4. When’s your birthday?d. Maria and Teddy
5. Why are you wearing a suit?e. I’m a teacher.
6. How many students are there in the class?f. The Times
7. How much did you pay for your shoes?g. It’s today.
8. How are you?h. I’m sure it’s mine.
9. Whose money is this?i. In a flat at the town center
10. Which newspaper do you read?j. because I’m going to an expensive restaurant


Wh-Question Practice

Wh- Question Practice #1

Alternative Questions

An alternative question includes two or more answer choice within the question itself. We can usually recognize an    alternative question by the word or.

1. Are you a junior or a senior?I’m a junior.
2. Does he live on or off campus?He lives on campus.
3. Did they sign up for the 9:00 or 1:00 class?The 9:00 class.
4. Do you usually drive or take the bus to work?I usually drive.
5. Is Charles English or Australian?I think he’s Australian.

Be careful! Some questions may look like alternative questions, but they are actually Yes/No questions.


             Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, I have 2 brothers, and a sister./ No, I don’t have any.

This question is asking about both brothers and sisters, not a given choice.


StatementsAlternative questionsResponses
1. Mark can sing/dance.Can Mark sing or dance?He can sing.
2. Parrots can talk/sing.
3. Squirrels have short/long tail.
4. You like kittens/puppies.
5. She is eating an apple/cake.
6. Simon bought a pen/a pencil.
7. They cleaned the table/chair.
8. He took the motorbike/car.
9. He walks his dog/cat everyday.
10. She is from the Philippines/ Malaysia.

Alternative Question Practice

Alternative question practice #1

Embedded Questions

An embedded question is included within another question.


Using an embedded question can have a “softening” effect and often sound more polite than a direct question.


            Where is the post office?  vs.  Can you tell me where the post office is?

Embedded questions look like Yes/No questions, but the expected answer is usually more than just yes or no. We generally answer yes or no and then add more information.


            A: Do you know when Tom’s birthday is?

            B: Yes, I think it’s March 5.


Common introductory question phrasesDirect questions Embedded questions
May I know…Where do you live?May I know where you live?
Who knows…How old are you?Who knows how old I am?
Would you mind telling me…Why are you here?Would you mind telling me why you are here.
Do you know…What time is it?Do you know what time it is?
Do you remember…What does this word mean?Do you remember what this word mean?
Do you think …Can we dine out tonight?Do you think we can dine out tonight?
Common introductory statement phrasesDirect questionsEmbedded questions
Let me know…What do you think?Let me know what you think.
I don’t know…What are you talking about?I don’t know what you are talking about.
I have no idea …What does he look like?I have no idea what he looks like.
I wonder …How much is that red dress?I wonder how much that red dress is.
I/She/He/They asked …Can they turn on the sound system?I asked if they can turn on the sound system.
I would like to know…Where is the supermarket?I would like to know where the supermarket is.
I’m not sure…Did he come late this morning?I’m not sure if he came late this morning.
The question is…Do we have the money for it?The question is if we have the money for it.
Let’s ask…Do they like the room?Let’s ask whether they like the room (or not).



Introductory question/statement
Direct QuestionEmbedded QuestionResponses
Do you know...What time it is?Do you know what time is it?Sure. It’s 4:30.
Can you tell me… Who those people are?Sorry. I don’t know.
Do you have any idea…Is this class full?Yes, it’s completely full.
Could you tell me…. When is the next train?It’s at 2:30.
Do you have any idea…Is she beautiful?I think she’s beautiful.
Do you remember…Where are my keys?Sorry, I don’t remember.
Let me know…Did I pass the test or not?Yes, you did.
I wonder… When are they going to pay?Tomorrow I think.
I would like to know…What are you going to eat for lunch?I’ll have fried chicken.

QUIZ 4: Google Form (your teacher will send you the link).

Tag Questions

Tag questions ask for confirmation or agreement. They consist of a statement and a tag. In a positive sentence, the tag is negative. In a negative sentence, the tag is positive. Tags always use same verb tense as the statement.

Positive statement + negative tagResponseNegative statement + affirmative tagResponse
It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?Yes, it is./ No, it’s not.You didn’t do your homework, did you?Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
Ann lives near here, doesn’t she?Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.. They haven’t traveled overseas, have they?Yes, they have./ No, they haven’t.
You can read Arabic, can’t you?Yes, I can. No, I can’t.He shouldn’t drive, should he?Yes, he should. No, he shouldn’t.


StatementTag question
Kate won’t be late, will she?
You’re tired,
You travel a lot,
You weren’t listening,
Sam doesn’t know Anna,
Henry’s on holiday,
You can speak Japanese,
They won’t mind if I take a picture,
There are a lot of people here,

QUIZ 5: Google Form (your teacher will send you the link).

TAKE THE QUIZ on Understanding Questions

Understanding questions CEFR A1 Level

Understanding questions CEFR A2 Level

Understanding questions CEFR B1 Level


English Conversation

Survey Test/Activity

    English Conversation Structure

    basic parts of a conversation

    Lesson 2 Getting to Know You

    sample conversation
    sample conversation

    ACTIVITY #1. Answer these questions with your partner.

    1. Take a look at your conversation e-book, name the different ways of introducing yourself? Introducing other people?
    2. What is SMALL TALK?
    3. What are topics you should not talk about during small talk?
    4. What are good topics to talk about during small talk?

    ACTIVITY #2. Do this activity with your partner.

    1. Look at conversation samples 1 and 2. Label the parts of the conversation according to the basic conversation structure above.
    2. Write and act out a conversation between two people meeting for the first time at a conference.
    • follow the basic conversation structure – kickstart, body, leave taking, goodbye.
    • small talk topics – nationality, home, occupation, workplace,  and the reason why they come to a conference


    Lesson 3: Request, Permission, Offer

    • Making a request (การร้องขอ)
    • Asking for permission (ขออนุญาติ)
    • Offering help (ให้ความช่วยเหลือ)

    Activity #1

    1. Familiarize the common expressions used for making a request, asking permission, and offering help.
    2. Practice using the expressions – Go to MAKING A REQUEST PRACTICE and ASKING PERMISSION PRACTICE.
    3. Complete the conversation exercises below.

    Activity #2

    1. Write and act out a conversation involving making a request, asking permission, and/or offering help. (Be mindful of the structure of your conversation)


    Making a Request

    polite request in english
    polite request in english

    Asking Permission

    simple sentence pattern for asking permission

    Offering Help


    Somchai: Good morning, Madam. ________(1 offer help)____________?

    Nattawadee: Good morning. __________(2 permission)__________________?

    Somchai: I’m sorry, he’s out of the office at the moment.

    Nattawadee: Oh, well, never mind.

    Somchai: _____________(3 offer help)_______________________ for you tomorrow?

    Nattawadee: Oh, yes please. For 10 AM.

    Somchai: Just a minute… _____(4 decline)_____________ he has another meeting at 10 AM. Will three in the afternoon be all right with you?

    Nattawadee: No, thank you. I’ll meet him at his residence tonight. It’s something urgent.

    Somchai: ________(5 offer help)________________ him anything?

    Nattawadee: Thanks. You could tell him that Ms. Nattawadee was here.

    Somchai: I will tell him.

    Nattawadee: Thank you.


    Tom: Hey Jerry, going somewhere?

    Jerry: Yes. I need to pick up the new guests at the airport.

    Tom: ______(1 offer help)___________________?

    Jerry: That would be great! It can be pretty lonely driving alone you know.

    Tom: I certainly know that. Ok, ______( 2 permission)______ quickly grab my bag.

    Jerry: Ok. Oh by the way I forgot to bring my wallet. ___(3 request)___________ bringing it. It’s on my table next to the computer.

    Tom: Sure thing!

    Jerry: I’ll wait for you in the car.

    Tom: OK.


    Follow the conversation in the video. Fill in the missing conversation lines.


    Lesson 4

    Complaining, Clarifying, Apologizing, and Thanking


    1. Go over your e-book, unit 4.
    2. Define the following complain, clarify, apologize, and thank.
    3. List down words and phrases used for making complaints, asking for clarification, apologizing, and thanking.
    4. Use 2 to 3 of these expressions in a sentence. Share your sentences with your seatmate.
    5. Complete the conversation in the video below. Practice and present your conversation with the customer service agent.


    Wh Questions

    WH- Questions

    To be able to ask questions clearly in a conversation is very important for the following reasons. One, a person would be understood clearly thus avoiding miscommunication. Aside from this, asking questions in a conversation shows that you are interested, and it keeps the conversation going.

    WH-Questions are one of the different ways of asking questions. These are questions that begin with what, where, when, why, who, which, how, how many, how often, and how much.


    What is happening here?

    Where is the bathroom?

    When does the plane arrive?

    Why are there so many people here?

    Who are you talking to?

    Which of the these do you prefer?

    How do I go to the bus station?

    How many countries are there in the ASEAN?

    How often do you ride your bicycle?

    How much are these apples?

    Let’s Practice


    1. Pick a box and an image will pop up.
    2. Ask a WH-question about the image.


    introducing yourself conversation

    #1 Introducing yourself at the workplace

    Introducing yourself in the workplace

    conversation between 2 people

    scenario: new at the workplace


    Jeff: (1)__________. Are you new here?

    Jane: Yes, I just started on Monday.

    Jeff: Really? That’s great. By the way, (2)_________________ Jeffrey. (3)_______________ Jeff. I’m an accountant.

    Jane: (4)_______________________, Jeff. I’m Jane.

    Jeff: Nice to meet you. (5)____________________, Jane?

    Jane: I’m in marketing. Well, I’ll see you around.

    Jeff: See you.

    Possible answers: (1)Hi/Hello/Good morning… (2)My name is/I’m (3) Please call me/You can call me (4)Nice/Good/Great to meet you (5) What do you do



    English conversation at a party

    Getting to know you at a party (fill in the missing phrases)

    Getting to know you dialogue

    conversation between 2 people

    scenario: at a party


    Speaker 1: (1)_________, __________________.

    Speaker 2: (2)_______________________. I’m Ben.

    Speaker 1: This is a great party, isn’t it?

    Speaker 2: It sure is. It’s really (3) ___________ to meet everybody.

    Speaker 1: So Ben, (4) ____________________?

    Speaker 2: I’m from Seoul, in Korea. (5) __________________?

    Speaker 1: I’m from Taipei, in Taiwan.

    Speaker 2: Interesting. (6)_________________?

    Speaker 1: I’m 19. (7) _____________________?

    Speaker 2: Well… I’d rather not say. Let’s just say I’m older than you.

    Speaker 1: Come on. You can tell me.

    Speaker 2: OK. I’m 21. Please don’t tell anybody.

    Speaker 1: (8) ___________?

    Speaker 2: Well, its’ personal.

    Speaker 1: Sure. Well, thanks for (9) __________________.

    Speaker 2: (10) _________________ . Talk to you later.

    Speaker 1: Bye!

    Possible answer: (1) Hi/Hello, I’m/My name is____. (2) Nice/Good to meet you. (3) good/nice/great (4) Where are you from? (5) What about you? (6) If you don’t mind, how old are you? (7) What about you? (8) Why not? (9) chatting with me (10) no problem



    polite request in english

    Making a request: Spin the Wheel

    Making a request is when asking someone to do something for you. The request needs to be done in a polite manner, and there are several ways of asking requests politely. Below are three of the simplest and easy to remember phrases used when making requests in English

    English formula for making a request



    1. Spin the wheel
    2. Read the message
    3. Use it to make a request
    4. You may write your answer on the comment section.



    1. Tap each box
    2. Read the message
    3. Use it to make a request


    Affordable Accommodations