Do you love to eat? And yet, you want to be sexy.
Here’s good news for you. Eat your way to sexiness. One important compound that is scientifically proven to promote good health and help burn fats 23% in 3 hours is CAPSAICIN.Capsaicin is a compound found in chilies and peppers. It is a thermogenic compound. Capsaicin prevents fat cells from becoming mature cells. No wonder why Thai people are generally slim and healthy. While others are having problems about gaining weight easily as they reach their 30’s, Thais have no problem on this department. Most adults here are physically fit and slim. I have not noticed our old neighbors suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, or obesity.
But that does not mean you eat a whole bunch of chilies straight up. Anything taken in excess is always not good. Test your limit. And learn to play within that limit. For first timers, you may start with a little bit spicy sauces or dippings, and then expand it to include viands when your tolerance to spicy increases. Here in Thailand, people eat raw veggies such as cucumber, stringbeans, mango shoots to eradicate the spiciness. They also have a lot of other green leafy vegetables that are considered “grass” in the Philippines. Believe me they are effective as oppose to drinking water. Cold and warm water aggravate the intensity of the spice. Tap water just does not work at all. The common notion in the Philippines is to drink more and more water to wash away the spiciness. Then you end up full with water. This way you have short-change yourself of other essential nutrients.My favorite is the Thai soup Tom yum. Depending on your preference, you could have pork, shrimp, or fish Tom yum. It is really yummy. They also have this Thai salad called Som tum. It is made of young, green papaya. I like it without the small crabs. They have a variety of hotdogs and sausages that are stuffed with chilies and vegetables. How exotic is that? It was a bit of a shock when I first saw it. I just thought OMG this just could not be possible ….SPICY HOTDOGS.
The notion that eating spicy food causes swelling of the hemorrhoids is a myth. Eating spicy food in moderation will bring us so much benefits. It only not burn fats, it also is good for people suffering from arthritis, rheumatism. It also help reduce the effects of bad cholesterol. It lowers blood pressure in the body as the spice increases blood flow. It has the ability to kill some cancer cells, and it indirectly eases depression and stress. These are just few of the many benefits we can get from capsaicin.
SPICY is BEAUTY. SPICY is HEALTHY. Don’t you think?
So guys and gals…. are you up for a spicy diet? Are you willing to change in the name of beauty and health? Let me know…..