The continent of Asia is so sprawling and massive that you could easily spend your entire lifetime travelling around it and still not quite discover it all. There is a very good reason why so many travellers enjoy Asia above all other parts of the world, and it is because there is just so much to explore other witch you can uncover. It also happens to be a cost-effective way of travelling, as generally you will be paying much less than in other parts of the world. But if you are keen to visit Asia, whether for your first or fiftieth time, you will want to know what kinds of destinations within it are most likely to be the best to visit. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the top Asian destinations which you should consider, regardless of whether or not you have travelled Asia before and how experience you may or may not be.
Thailand is one of the most visited places in the world, and its beautiful capital city of Bangkok is the number one most visited city anywhere in the world. Clearly, then, it is a relatively tourist-friendly place, and for this reason it can be a great introduction to the world of Asian travel for a newcomer Westerner to the Asian trail. If you want to get into Asian travel easily and slowly, then you will find a brief stint in Thailand is perfect for that, especially if you choose to go to the capital of Bangkok. You can see many Buddhist temples and sights, and you might even find that you are surprised at just how accessible and friendly everyone is as well. There’s no doubt that Thailand is an easy travelling experience, and if you are like many others before you it might be enough to get you a little addicted to the whole prospect of travelling around Asia at all. That being said, for a first-timer it could still be considerably eye-opening, and a small measure of culture shock is no strange thing. But all in all, you are likely to be able to just have a great time exploring this amazing and friendly country.
Ranked ninth in the world for tourist arrivals, Malaysia is in a similar league to Thailand, in that they are not exactly strangers to tourists. But while Thailand is essentially extremely tourist-based, Malaysia is somewhat less so. This means that you are both more likely to feel a little culture shock, and more likely to feel that you are genuinely experiencing something real, and not just a touristy version of something. All of this makes Malaysia a profoundly singular place to visit, and it is likely to be a good place for the new traveller or the experienced traveller alike. With many of the most beautiful natural and man made sites in the world, you won’t get bored of what there is to see, and you will find that they are, on the whole, a welcoming and loving people. If you find apartments for rent Malaysia can be an easy place to stay, and it should be a pretty straightforward kind of travelling on the whole. What’s more, you will be delving into some of the real parts of Asian travels which many other Westerners never truly get to see.
Many parts of Asia are primarily Buddhist in belief, but only Nepal can rightfully claim a kind of ownership of the Buddha himself, it being his actual birthplace over two and a half thousand years ago. As you would imagine, therefore, Nepal is generally a pretty spiritual and calm place to live, and its people do happen to be amongst the most welcoming and friendlist on the planet. Nepal travel is, however, much more off the beaten track than somewhere like Thailand or even Malaysia; you should expect to have a really eye-opening time of being truly a part of a ramshackled culture, and you will find that it is enormously refreshing as a culture and a way to live. Tourism is the vast majority of their GDP, however, so again it is hardly as though you will be the first tourist they have ever seen. Most tourists to Nepal go for trekking tours around the foothills of the Himalayas, which is the kind of experience that you will be likely never to forget as long as you live.
For many, India is the jewel in the crown when it comes to Asian travel, and it’s not hard to work out why. It is something of a spiritual wellspring for many people too, and probably you will have heard stories about westerners going to gain enlightenment or find themselves, or many other similar kinds of tales. But whether or not you are eager to achieve such ends yourself, India is still a phenomenal unique experience and something that you should seriously consider at least once in your life. From the busy and famously smelly capital of New Delhi to the many eye-opening slums around the country, and some truly beautiful beach resorts in the stunning towns of Goa and Rikashesh, India has to much to offer that you would do well to give it a proper month or two of travel at least. It’s the kind of experience that may change you dramatically, and you should absolutely prepare yourself for that before you travel.
If you are looking for a truly cultural hit, then you should absolutely consider Japan as well. This is one of the world’s superpowers, and yet is nestled in amongst many of the world’s poorest countries, all of which gives it a certain special feeling which you can’t shake. Because we receive so many ideas about their culture here, it is the kind of destination whose reputation precedes it, but as usual that is likely to be far from your actual experience of the country in question. A great place for technophiles and nature lovers alike, it’s certainly worth putting this somewhere high on your to-do list.
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