In a previous post, I talked about my personal experience using Thai Insurance: Batprakansangkom (บัตรประกันสังคม)
It has been almost two years since I posted that. Many things have happened. Now I’m making an update on medical services covered by Batprakansangkom based on my experience. So aside from free outpatient doctor’s fee, medicines, and maternity compensation this Thai insurance also covers the following:
- Annual pap smear and other gynecologic tests and medicine
- Urinalysis
- Blood test
- Ultrasound
- CT scan
- X-ray
- Echocardiogaraphy
- Surgery
- Oral Prophylaxis (teeth cleaning)
- Tooth Filling and extraction
I’ll keep this post updated every now and then, so keep on checking.
I’ll Return Back Your LOVE
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